today marks 9 years of being married to chris. we've had some amazing 9 years of life.
some friends stayed with liliana last night so we could celebrate. chris found a great b-n-b for us to go to and had all these sweet things prepared.
- i got in the car and he had a mix he made on the ipod for our drive with love songs and other songs he knows i like.
- when we got there he had treats in the car that he brought in with us- my favorite chocolate, a special microbrew cherry beer we tried months ago that i liked (i know it sounds gross, but it is actually quite delicious), and other food treats i like
-he also made me a home made anniversary card that was on my bedside when i woke up. that is one of my favorite things about chris is his home made cards. he started that our first year of marriage for b-days, valentines day and anniversaries and they are the best. some are with graphics on the computer, some are cut of of construction paper, some have pictures glued to make a collage. i keep them all and they are such an expression of chris' simple love for me.
so thankful for my life with chris and the years to follow....