Wisconsin folks are very serious about cheese.
On the radio last week we heard about a cheese shop near our house selling 15 year aged cheddar for.... $50/lb. Really? $50 for a chunk of cheese? Supposedly cheese gets acidic and bitter the longer it ages but this fellow claims his cheese has undergone special care and it has a smooth taste. People are buying it up. He has gotten orders from all over the US, Canada, even Asia. Wow. Who knew old cheese would have such a reputation?
I am all for a good chunk of cheese, but.. I have my limits. Last week we visited some friends and he had just received a cheese basket from one of his clients. It was from one of those local Wi shops. We sampled a delicious veggie cheese. Very tasty. Then he busted out this brick cheese. His wife was unaware he opened the package and called from the other room:
"Does Micah's diaper need to be changed?"
"No honey, it's that new cheese I just opened up."
"You are serving that?"
"Yeah, I thought we would try it"
Ok- the diaper smell should have clued us in, but naive as we are, we decided to try it.
Whenever I visit someone's house, I try to be a gracious guest. I have eaten my share of unpleasant foods and out of courtesy tried to stomach it best I could. However, this cheese was so disgusting I had to spit it out of my mouth and go throw it away. There was no trying to hide my feelings on this. It was so pungent and utterly gross.
I guess my taste buds just haven't quite developed to a true Wisconsiner. (or Sconie as some say)
I'll stick with the $3/lb cheddar thank you!