Highlights from the week..
FARMER'S MARKET- Finally went to the Dane Co. famer's market a week ago with friends. Super fun. They have their routine of where they go for coffee and bread, etc.. and it was so fun to tag along and enjoy the market.
FOOD CARTS- For our day off this week we headed downtown and grabbed lunch from one of the food carts. So great. The weather this week has been amazing, so we ate outside on the capital square, while Liliana chased squirrels and gathered acorns.
WEDNESDAYS WITH WALT- I already wrote a post about our weekly family tradition, but this Wed I have to say was the best calzone I have ever made.. I actually was a little short on flour, so I adjusted my recipe a bit and it was delicious. Chris talked about the calzone for days. We also watched the first half of Snow White. (we only make it through half a movie at a time since Liliana is still young for an entire movie)
STARBUCKS PARTY- The Starbucks down the street from us was hosting a party on behalf of a club in Madison that helps cancer patients. Liilana and I walked up there today and they had a huge tent outside with a band, free coffee and several cakes to choose from, and door prizes. Go Starbucks.
WEDDING #3- We went to an outdoor wedding of a couple from our church. She is from Sweden and he is from Colorado, so this was actually their third wedding ceremony. Their real wedding was in Sweden a month ago. But most of the groom's relatives could not make it, so they had a US wedding in his home town. Then they decided to have a third ceremony in Madison, where they both live and work. What bride gets to wear her dress 3 times? How great is that.
It was laid back with empanadas, Mexican sodas and having them share their vows again. I was super impressed to hear that for their first wedding, the groom practiced his vows in Swedish so he could say them at the wedding since the bride's family does not speak English. Very impressive. We really like this couple and it was so great to share in their ceremony locally.
Fun week! We'll see what adventures await us this following week.