I've been reflecting on the triad of WORK, REST, and LEISURE.
If you know me well, you know that I am a big advocate for having one day a week that is a day of rest, or a sabbath if you want to use Biblical terms. I started the habit in high school and it has been a part of my life ever since then. I have seen it keep me from burning out, actually increase my productivity and also keeps me from going down the path of being a workaholic. (Which I am aware I could easily fall into given my upbringing and strong work ethic modeled for me as a kid.)
But what I am realizing is that I've just clumped rest and leisure together; in reality they are 2 different things. They certainly can feed off each other, but they are different.
Rest is doing "nothing". Sleeping in, maybe staying in your pajamas until 3 in the afternoon, ordering Chinese take out so you don't have to cook- just being physically and emotionally renewed by having a low energy kind of day.
Leisure is doing "something" -an activity, a family outing to the zoo, trying a new restaurant- getting out to experience life and do something fun.
We need both in varying proportions. I think realizing that they are 2 different things has been insightful and has been helping us live a more balanced life.
So, fellow blog readers... what are your thoughts on W-R-L? How do those 3 things balance in your life?