Thursday, May 5, 2011


Life has been really good lately.

There's certain seasons where you feel like you are in a good rhythm of life and I am thankfully in one of those right now.

Chris and I talk about having "kingdom moments". It's when we are experiencing life as it was meant to be.

We seem to be having quite a lot of them lately. (or maybe we are just more aware of them)

Every day I stop myself and recognize these "K M" happening...

Looking at beautiful flowers and taking them in

Playing at night with the girls and enjoying their childhood imaginations

Eating food and really taking time to notice the spices and tastes

Hugging my husband and feeling so close to another human being

Listening to music that lifts my soul and sets my feet tapping

Enjoying a hot shower, knowing that many in the world have to carry their water from a well in buckets just to wash dishes

Going to a grocery store with every possible choice in foods right at my fingertips

Sharing conversation with thoughtful people

Sleeping in til 9:30 because my sweet husband took care of the girls (felt like summer time as a kid when i could sleep in as late as I wanted.. i LOVE sleeping in!)

On and on..

Life is full of KM lately.