2. Went on a walk with a friend, without Liliana. This is actually the second time in 2 weeks I have hung out with this friend sans children. The week before she took me to this place called Manna Cafe. It is run by a Jewish family and the food is delicious. I am really liking having some girl time without the kids. I might just get used to it.
3. Tried to replicate a tilapia sandwich from the Manna Cafe with my own twist. Chris thought it was delicious. There's something rewarding about trying a new recipe idea and having success.
4. Watched how something as simple as stickers in a plastic egg can bring joy to a child. :-)
5. Also watched how something as simple as a new bookshelf can bring joy to a child. Now whenever we read books, Liliana notices pictures of bookshelves and makes sure to point them out in rooms.
6. Talked to almost all of my family members in one day- this is a rare feat since we have so many.
7. Visited our friend's new bike shop they are opening up. I am so proud of them for taking a risk to venture out in this new business. We had a great time seeing their place and praying for their success and impact in the community.
8. Watched LOST. I figured this had to make my blog at least once. I like this show and can't wait to see how it all ties together.
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