Sunday, May 9, 2010

mom's day 2010

We had a very fun mom's day today!

Chris makes me the BEST home made cards ever- he has done that ever since we have been in a relationship. So he made a fun card from "Liliana and Daddy " and had banners hanging up for me.

We went out to eat Italian food and then Chris took us to a park he found on one of his motorcycle rides. It is on the edge of town, overlooking the beautiful countryside. We walked around, jumped off rocks and had so much fun. (I have no idea how my hair managed to get like this, but there you have it.)

After Liliana went to bed Chris had some bath salts so I could soak my feet and then gave me a foot rub with lotion. Very relaxing. (This happens to be another one of my favorite things Chris does for me).

It kind of seemed more like "Wife Day" rather than "Mom's Day", since Liliana is too small to understand this holiday. But I'll take it!

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