Yesterday the weather was gorgeous and my girls happened to take an extra long nap. So.. I sat in the back yard with my journal and had a great time of thinking and catching up on life. It was much needed.
At one point I was thinking about Sept 11 and the 10 year memorial. I was actually flying into Germany 10 years ago on Sept 11. Shortly after we landed I was tired from jet lag and taking a snooze when our friends woke us up and made us go to the tv to see what was going on. It was so surreal. It was especially surreal not even being in the USA while all this was going on. The Germans were amazing and comforting and so compassionate. We were traveling with our band Warrior Poets (my husband used to play with a band that traveled around). It ended up being our last tour we did as a band and I will never forget it and the impact it had on our lives.
So, here I am 10 years later. I am a mom. I live in a safe neighborhood. My kids have no idea what terrorism means as they happily went to bed tonight with full tummies and a fun day under the belt. We have so many freedoms. I can read and write and have access to just about any resources I could possibly need. I can drive. I have a husband who values me as a partner in life. The list goes on.
I don't know anyone personally affected by 9/11, yet my heart can't help to be stirred. I think about the losses. I think about the heros. I think about the evil. I think about redemption and hope.
I remember as a kids going to lots of memorials. Greeks do a great job of honoring those who have departed.
(Of course as a kid the best part was the snack we received- a traditional wheat berry dish with raisins and powered sugar.)
As I have grown older I have come to appreciate memorials as a time to remember and share perspectives. They are a time to cling to life and make sure it is lived to the fullest.
So, while I pray for God's comfort to wash over the 9/11 families and individuals affected, I am also reminded to live my life today with no guarantee for tomorrow. To enjoy life and make the most of whatever moments I have. I am going to bed tonight with a full and thankful heart. I will wake up tomorrow ready to live dreams and take moments to look directly into the eyes of my family, to give lots of hugs and kisses. To live the life given to me.
Thank you God for life. What a precious gift!