Yesterday he had the candles burning and went I went into our room later I saw he forgot to blow one of the candles out. Not thinking, I reached over to grab the glass jar and blow the candle out.
This was me- screaming and running to the kitchen to get an ice cube for my finger that was absolutely throbbing in pain from being burned. The jar was scorching hot and so immediately I flung the jar out of my hand and it splattered across our wall and carpet. (Did I mention it was one of those smelly candles that was RED?!?)

Chris was in the living room playing guitar and of course rushed to see what was wrong with me. Liliana was in the room with me when she saw Mommy get hurt. She ran with me to get ice and as soon as I put it on my finger she came over to me and said, "Need hug?" She put her arms around me and hugged mommy so I would feel better.
( so sweet and made me feel 1000% better)
I burned my finger right on my nerve ending, so I was in a ton of pain. We lathered some anitbotic cream on it and then Chris went to go clean up my mess. We looked online how to clean up wax stains. One person suggested a blow dryer. You melt the wax and then wipe it up. The blow dryer worked wonders! What was a splattered red wall looked great after Chris melted and wiped the wax. We were also able to clean up the carpet with no stain in sight.
I don't know what it is with me and burns. Last week I burned my arm taking cheesecakes out of the oven.
I'm just thankful that I am the one that found the candle and not Liliana. Also, I will remember next time never to touch a hot jar- duh.
My finger feels much better today- I am happy to say. :-)
Ouch! I've done that before....grabbing the hot glass and spilling wax on the carpet - both on seperate occasions though.
What works great for getting the wax off the carpet is to put a paper towel on top of of the wax and then to iron over that. It transfers the wax from the carpet to the papertowl, that way you don't have to heat it with the blow dryer and then clean it up.
Who knew I had so much useless knowledge? :)
Sorry to hear about your finger.
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