It's been 2 years! Woo Hoo!
Chris and I decided last year that we want to celebrate Liliana's adoption day each year for two reasons:
1. Her birthday is on December 28. It is a bummer having your birthday in between Christmas and New year's Eve, so we love the idea of having time in the summer to celebrate Liliana.
2. We are so thankful for the day our daughter became ours officially and we want to remember and CELEBRATE her coming into our family.
We have been starting to talk to Liliana about adoption lately. I know she doesn't really understand what we are talking about, but she knows that she was adopted because Mommy and Daddy love her. She knows adoption is positive and good, so that works for now.
We have a book about adoption that I got out to read to her, but I can't get through it without crying. I read it three times and each time I come to tears as I recall holding my daughter for the first time and the wave of joy and love that swept over me. I actually put the book away because Liliana doesn't understand the concept of "tears of joy". To her tears mean you are sad or you fell down and have an ouchy. I don't want her to think I am sad about the adoption book, so I am going to read it when she gets a little older and I am not quite so emotional. (Although, I may always tear up when I read the book, who knows?)
To celebrate Adoption Day this year we went to the zoo and then we went to Target to pick out a new play-doh toy for her craft time. We had so much fun as a family!
Happy Adoption Day Liliana!
1 comment:
so sweet! You made me cry tears of joy just reading this! I'm so happy that God answered your prayers and brought this sweet little girl into your life!
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