Sunday, August 8, 2010


Last night we went to It's a Mexican party for girls who turn 15 called Quinceanera. It is aparty that is celebrating a girl and passing into adulthood. I loved it! It was actually like a mini wedding- her dress was amazing, decorations, catered meal, dancing, decorations, flowers.

Beyond that though, I love seeing cultures that celebrate passing from childhood into adulthood. Jewish culture has bar mitzva and bat mitzva; many African tribes have a call to manhood when the boys come out to hunt with the men of the village. I think there is importance of celebrating that passage. Even though our American culture does not celebrate this passage, I consider doing something for our family.

I remember an episode of the Cosby Show when Claire was taking Vanessa out to New York City to celebrate becoming a woman. It was a tradition she did with each of her girls. When I watched even that tv show I remember thinking how great that would be to do one day with my daughter.

Right now we are celebrating the passage from crib to bed; diapers to potty chair. ... One passage at a time!

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