Sunday, August 23, 2009

Neighbors Part 2

Ok seriously, I don't know why God keeps bringing these amazing neighbors our way, but he does.

We met another young family 2 buildings over. This afternoon they were going to the park with their 2 kids, so popped by our apartment to see if we wanted to join them. We headed out and played at the park, then they invited us for dinner on the way back. AJ is Italian, so he made his special sauce and we had fresh pasta that they bought at the farmer's market yesterday. The kids had so much fun playing, we ate amazing food, drank merlot, had good conversation. It was such a fun and spontaneous afternoon and evening. So refreshing.

Leaving my family in St. Louis to move to Madison has been a sacrifice, but then when I am surrounded with amazing neighbors I see God meeting me in new ways. I'm thankful for the people in our community and feel like God completely hand picked where we live.

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