Monday, October 5, 2009

Play it Cool with Mom and Dad

Chris and I sat in bed tonight just talking about cute Liliana moments.

Her latest thing is trying to "play it cool" when she gets caught touching a
"No-No"- which are the computer and our cell phones. She has her own little computer key board and pretend cell phone that we set up for her when we are doing office work, yet she still likes to test the limits and play with ours when we aren't looking. So, if you catch her, she will either say

"High Five" and try to distract you with giving you a high five

" 4" - for some reason 4 is her favorite number, so she acts like she is merely just looking at the number 4 on the computer or phone

Or she will raise her hands and pretend like she is worshipping Jesus whenever she touches the volume button on the computer.

It's hard not to laugh at her when she does these things b/c she is so cute. It's also funny to see what new decoys she tries to play off on us. Each week she comes up with a new one, so it will be funny to see what her new trick is for this week.

1 comment:

..Jenny said...

she is so funny and such a little smarty pants!