Monday, September 7, 2009

Celebrate Good Times

This weekend we went to Chicago for my cousin Bill's wedding. It was a time of celebration on so many different levels.

Celebrating Family- We had relatives travel in from Canada, DC, Kentucky, California, St. Louis & Wisconsin to be here. We all stayed at the same hotel and had so much fun sitting around talking while the kids played with their cousins. It inspired us so much that we are now planning annual family reunions where we can all come together in a different location, stay at a hotel and just have fun together.

Celebrating with Food- Greeks know how to eat. I was particularly glad to have delicious dolmathes. They are a pain to make, so I will often try to find them in Greek restaurants to satisfy my craving. Usually they are not made well, but these dolmathes were something to celebrate!

Celebrating with Dance- At one point I was holding hands with my aunt on one side and niece on the other, while the rest of my cousins, aunts, uncle, siblings were also in a line dancing with us. It is so much fun dancing with your family like that, especially seeing all the aunts and Uncle Frank smiling and having a good time. I also must say I was impressed with Bill's groomsman- at one point this guy was doing a back bend while holding on to a napkin in the line. Very impressive.

Celebrating with a Toast- As the groom, Bill took this opportunity on his wedding day to give the most touching speech. He expressed his gratitude for his brothers and mom and not only was he crying, but all the tables with family were tearing up. It was beautiful.

Our family has had more than our share of tears over the years, so it is just bliss when we can come together to laugh and celebrate good times!

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