Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fish Fry

Last weekend we went to a FUN fish fry. We often host parties, so whenever someone else hosts one and we just get to attend, I love it. I particularly like seeing people's expressions of hospitality.

This fish fry was hosted by 2 bachelors in our church and I have to say I was so impressed. Jared caught all the fish we ate on one of his fishing trips this summer and Adam had great seasonings to cook them up. They made 76 fillets, plus we had tons of yummy sides for non fish lovers. Jared even had a huge jar of homemade pickles he made from the cucumbers he grew in his garden. Seriously, what single guy has his grandma's recipe for homemade pickles? So delicious.
Adam said he used to have a fish fry with his college buddies all the time and I really hope this can become a little tradition for our church. We just need to get some more fishing trips together so we have a good excuse to fry them up. (or I guess we can cheat and go to the market, but it doesn't seem as fun).

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