Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Loud and No Denying It

My family is loud. I always knew it, but I see how true it is from Liliana's b-day party. Today Chris was editing the video from her party to send to his parents and the tape does not lie.

We invited all of Liliana's cousins who were in town for her b-day dinner and party. 21 people made it that night. Literally when Liliana was opening her gifts you could hear 3 different conversations going on in the background- all loud ones. Chris always jokes with me whenever I am on the phone with one of my siblings because my decibel level increases. Not a yell, just loud volume.

I'd rather have a loud family having a good time then a bunch of quiet people who don't enjoy each other's company. We had a great time together- the kids played and laughed, the adults ate chicken and tried to solve the world's problems. And most of all, Liliana was surrounded by a bunch of people who love having her as an addition to our family and celebrating 2 years of life.

1 comment:

Robin said...

she's getting so big! what a cutie pie.