Monday, February 7, 2011


We are getting ready to leave today to get our new daughter and I wanted to blog about her. I will be adding parts as I have time to sit and write.


For the past few years our church has engaged in times of prayer and fasting for an extended period of time. Each time we encourage people to have a certain personal focus and to ask God for something meaningful to you personally.

October 2009 we had a 21 day time of prayer and fasting. When I considered what I wanted my focus to be, immediately I thought I wanted to begin praying for a second child to adopt.

The 3rd day into my fast, I woke up in the middle of the night and I knew I needed to get up and pray and journal. All I could pray for was a sibling for Liliana. It was overwhelming. Later that afternoon I was out running errands when our social worker, Carol, called. Carol handled our first adoption with Liliana and she calls from time to time to check in. I remember sitting in the parking lot of Woodmans when she told me about J being pregnant again with Liliana’s full blooded sibling. She was scared and seriously considering abortion as her only option in this point of her life. Her boyfriend was in and out of jail and couldn’t offer support and she also had a son she was raising. She was overwhelmed and called Carol to ask if we would consider adopting this child too.

Normally the agency doesn’t call adoptive parents until the 3rd trimester because the girls have a lot to process and can change their minds. But Carol felt it was urgent to call us and that the only way J was going to go through with the pregnancy is if she had the assurance we would be there.

Of course I was blown away by the timing of it all. Not only would we have an opportunity to adopt again, but it would actually be her full blooded sibling. What are the odds of that happening.

Of course we said YES. Our journey of prayer and love began.

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