Tuesday, January 26, 2010


yesterday chris and i got into a fight. it was one of those fights where i felt totally justified in my feelings. well, somewhere in the middle of the fight i heard this little voice in my head say, "remember when you first got married and you said that marriage isn't 50/50...it is 100/100? now would be a good time to hold up your end of the 100%, regardless of what chris is doing"

i actually hadn't thought about that 100% idea in quite sometime, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. so i changed my attitude and acted in love towards chris and immediately the fight diffused. we ended up having an amazing heart to heart talk and then chris downloaded the jane austen movie persuasion. we had wine, snuggled and had a great evening.

i've been challenged lately about this idea called love. actual love truly is self less. it is not about what credit i get. sometimes i don't like that, but really it is what i want.
what is the alternative? to be a selfish, bitter, irritated person? that doesn't sound too appealing.
i'd rather walk in sacrifice, patience and kindness, even though it can be challenging at times, the rewards are much better.

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