Saturday, January 30, 2010

Not just "one of those days"

I started to chalk up yesterday as "one of those days". I woke up in the middle of the night with HORRIBLE cramps that kept me up even after 3 extra strength tylenols. By the time morning rolled around I was totally exhausted and not excited about facing my day.

But I am not going to let cramps steal away a day of life, so I decided to sit down and write about all the good things about my day instead of focusing on the bad.

So... highlights from my Friday.

- Cracking up when Liliana picked up her pretend phone (aka calculator) and called Mickey Mouse. She had a little conversation about Goofy mixed in. Love her creativity.

- Hearing Chris read outloud his b-day card that came in the mail from his parents. I almost cried as he read it. It was the most thoughtful card expressing how proud they are of him and how much they love him. Amazing parents!

- Greek salad with extra feta and fresh baguettes from Panera. Chris brought this home for dinner and it hit the spot, esp the extra feta. Yum.

- Jam session. Chris had 2 guys over- one on guitar and one on djemebe to jam and help them out in learning to lead worship. I loved hearing them play in our living room. Whenever we tuck in Liliana for bed we sing "Jesus Loves Me", so she got the full band version last night and loved every minute of it!

-Helpful e-mails. We are working on some classes for our church and we have some amazing pastors in Boston helping us with material. I was in contact with 2 yesterday and their willingness to help us out is such an encouragement.

- Phone calls. I got to talk to both of my sisters and a friend yesterday. This much quality time on the phone rarely happens in one day.

So, even though the day started off rough, it ended up not being that bad after all. But to be honest, had I not sat down to write the good things, I would have just chalked it off as "one of those days".

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